关于Analog Clock – Live Wallpaper
Analog Clock supports 12/24 time format and display month and day of the week according too current language.
* Show hand of second.
* Size of the clock.
* Show the current date.
* Select primary only.
* Select Secondary background Color.
* Change background wallpaper.
* Show day of week.
* Show current date.
* Different Choice of analog clock display dial (numerical analog clock , Roman analog clock , Without any number or roman number)
How to use:
* To select Analog Clock display for home screen, just click on clock style and choose your analog clock for home screen.
*Everyone can find their favorite wallpapers and backgrounds with Live Wallpapers (Home Screen Backgrounds).
* To change the color of needles, you can change it from Settings>Hour Color>Minute Color, Seconds Color.
* You can add Memos text to you analog clock pro, Also can change the text Color of your Memos.
* Analog clock with date and day.