关于Analog Filter Circuit Simmulator
This is the App For Electronics, Its Inbuilt All Analog Filter Circuit Simmulator And Its Very Useful For Making And Testing For Circuit , Its Give Result For Circuits
⭐ Simple Passive Filters
✔️ High-Pass Filter (RC)
✔️ Low-Pass Filter (RC)
✔️ High-Pass Filter (RL)
✔️ Low-Pass Filter (RL)
✔️ Band-pass Filter
✔️ Notch Filter
✔️ Twin-T Filter
⭐ Larger Passive Filters
✔️ Low-Pass Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ High-Pass Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ Band-Pass Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ Band-Stop Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ Inverse Chebyshev Low-Pass (5 pole)
⭐ LC Ladder
✔️ Active Filters
✔️ Low-Pass Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ High-Pass Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ Band-Pass Butterworth/Chebyshev/Bessel
✔️ All-pass Unity Gain
✔️ Inverting Amplifier
⭐ Noninverting Amplifier
✔️ Follower
✔️ Integrator
✔️ Differentiator
✔️ Phase Shift Oscillator Filter
✔️ Op-Amp Circuits
✔️ Shorted Stub
✔️ Open Stub
✔️ Terminated Stub
✔️ Low-Pass Filter
✔️ Transmission Lines
✔️ Blank Circuit
⭐ basic
✔️ Ohm's Law
✔️ Resistors
✔️ Capacitor
✔️ Inductor
✔️ LRC Circuit
✔️ Voltage Divider
✔️ Potentiometer
✔️ Potentiometer Divider
✔️ Thevenin's Theorem
✔️ Norton's Theoremj
⭐ AC circuits
✔️ Capacitor
✔️ Inductor
✔️ Caps of Various Capacitances
✔️ Caps w/ Various Frequencies
✔️ Inductors of Various Inductances
✔️ Inductors w/ Various Frequencies
✔️ Impedances of Same Magnitude
✔️ Series Resonance
✔️ Parallel Resonance
⭐ passive filters
✔️ High-Pass Filter (RC)
✔️ Low-Pass Filter (RC)
✔️ High-Pass Filter (RL)
✔️ Low-Pass Filter (RL)
✔️ Band-pass Filter
✔️ Band-pass w/ Noise
✔️ Notch Filter
✔️ Twin-T Filter
✔️ Crossover
✔️ Butterworth Low-Pass (10 pole)
✔️ Butterworth High-Pass (10 pole)
✔️ Butterworth Low-Pass w/ Noise
✔️ Butterworth High-Pass w/ Noise
✔️ Butterworth Band-Stop
✔️ Bessel vs Butterworth
✔️ Band-pass with Ringing
✔️ Comb Filter
⭐ other passive circuits
✔️ Series- parallel -
✔️ Inductors in Series
✔️ Inductors in Parallel
✔️ Caps in Series
✔️ Caps in Parallel
⭐ transformers
✔️ Transformer
✔️ Transformer w/ DC
⭐ relays-
✔️ Relay
✔️ Relay AND
✔️ Relay OR
✔️ Relay XOR
✔️ Relay Mux
✔️ Relay Flip-Flop
✔️ Relay Toggle Flip-Flop
✔️ Relay Oscillator
✔️ Relay Counter
⭐ Resistor Grid 2
✔️ Resistor Cube
✔️ Coupled LC's
✔️ LC Modes (2)
✔️ Weak Coupling
✔️ LC Modes (3)
✔️ LC Ladder
⭐ Series/Parallel
✔️ Transformers
✔️ Relays
✔️ 3-Way Light Switches
✔️ 3- and 4-Way Light Switches
✔️ Differentiator
✔️ Wheatstone Bridge
✔️ Inductive Kickback
✔️ Blocking Inductive Kickback
✔️ Power Factor
✔️ Power Factor Correction
✔️ Resistor Grid
✔️ Resistor Grid 2
⭐ diodes
✔️ zener diodes-
⭐ voltage multipliers-
✔️ Voltage Doubler
✔️ Voltage Doubler 2
✔️ Voltage Tripler
✔️ Voltage Quadrupler
✔️ Diode
⭐ DC Restoration
✔️ Blocking Inductive Kickback
✔️ Spike Generator
✔️ Voltage Multipliers
✔️ AM Detector
⭐ op-amp-
✔️ amplifier-
✔️ Inverting Amplifier
✔️ Noninverting Amplifier
✔️ Follower
✔️ Differential Amplifier
✔️ Summing Amplifier
✔️ Log Amplifier
✔️ Class-D Amplifier
⭐ oscillator-
⭐ Relaxation Oscillator
✔️ Phase-Shift Oscillator
✔️ Triangle Wave Generator
⭐ Chaotic Circuits-
✔️ Rossler
✔️ Vilnius
✔️ Chua
✔️ Chaos 1
✔️ Chaos 2
⭐ Op-Amp
✔️ Op-Amp Feedback
✔️ Amplifiers
✔️ Oscillators
✔️ Full-Wave Rectifier
✔️ Peak Detector
✔️ Integrator
✔️ Differentiator
✔️ Schmitt Trigger
✔️ Gyrator
⭐ Voltage Regulator
✔️ 741 Internals
✔️ 741 (inverting amplifier)
✔️ 741 Slew Rate
✔️ 741 Current Limits
✔️ Chaotic Circuits
⭐ transistors-
✔️ Multivibrators-
✔️ Astable Multivib
✔️ Bistable Multivib (Flip-Flop)
✔️ Jerk
⭐ Differential Amplifiers-
✔️ Differential Input
⭐ Push-Pull Follower-
⭐ oscillators-
⭐ Colpitts Oscillator
✔️ Hartley Oscillator
✔️ Emitter-Coupled LC Oscillator
⭐ Switch
⭐ Source Follower
✔️ Current Source
✔️ Basics
✔️ A/C Circuits