关于Anti Hero Wallpapers
Who is in the mood for some favorite anti Hero Mercenaries or mercs to bring the law and justice to the villains like Venom and Judge Dredd? These anti Heroes mostly follow the law and do good, but are no super heroes or do goods, just look at Venom. To be an anti hero like Blade or Venom, must have superhero powers and skills but take care of business. Some of the best anti heroes, venom and the judge, judge dredd able to apply punishment in either the name of the law or justice. Deadpool and Deathstroke are both perfect anti heroes, both being mercenaries and fighting for justice and what is right.
For the darker or fantasy area, there is Blade and Hell Boy. Both fight creatures of the night, with Blade fighting the vampire kingdom and vampires, and Hell Boy fighting monsters and creatures that are hiding from the human realm. Hell boy is actually technically a demon but committed to helping people, and Blade is a vampire hybrid committed to destroying the vampire scourge.
Judge Dredd Wallpapers - Judge Dredd is the law and The Judge will dispense the law in this futuristic apocalypse. Judge Dredd wallpapers dispense law while Deadpool wallpapers dispense fun with Venom and Blade!
Deadpool Wallpapers - Deadpool, the merc with a mouth, very colorful and with actions and language. Deadpool is definitely a fan favorite for superhero fans. Deadpool wallpapers and Deadpool wallpapers are so photogenic! Also, is it Dead Pool or Deadpool? I am pretty sure Deadpool.
Deathstroke Wallpapers - Great collection of Deadpool like characters; I think this is the character Deadpool was based on. Tons of action wallpapers and action in general.