The Special Pattern App Lock 2018 is here for free download to apply lock on Apps, games or photo gallery which will restrict un-authorized of others. This Pattern Lock can be applied on selected apps of your choice. Even a lock is provided on App Lock 2018 to make any modifications. Download this special App Lock tool and apply it to your special apps and folders. Now, You can easily allow people to access your photo without worry as Pattern App lock will be applied on selected apps based on your choice. You also have option to lock all the apps or un-lock all apps with a single click. A list of app will also be displayed on particular selection which will allow you to select the apps on which you wish to apply the pattern lock for future use and restriction. A person question will be asked whose answer need to be remembers as you may need the answer in case you forget your password. Do share this app on social media with friends and family members and rate this pattern app lock along with your comments