AppSpread offers you the perfect possibility to monetize your social reach. Promote Apps on your YouTube channel, Facebook page, Instagramm account or just in your WhatsApp groupes to earn money for every install by your followers or friends over your affiliate link.
Just follow these few steps to build up your own business:
1. Download „App Spread“ in the GooglePlayStore
2. Log in with your facebook -, GooglePlay - account or create a new AppSpread - account.
3. Decide for an App you want to promote in your next video or post and generate your specific affiliate link you can post unter your video or post.
4. Watch your earnings you generated for every install over your affiliate link you posted in your „App Spread“ profile.
5. Get paid via PayPal, Bank Transfer or with GiftCards like Amazon, GooglePlay, paysafecards, and much more.
Making money was never easier.
• Added info about upcoming versions.
• Fixed some bugs.