- Widget and notification bugs fixed.
- Section selection added in lessons.
- Filtering your own sentences added.
- Various improvements made.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Arabic - Italian 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Arabic - Italian 所有旧版本。下载 Arabic - Italian 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- Widget and notification bugs fixed.
- Section selection added in lessons.
- Filtering your own sentences added.
- Various improvements made.
- Database backup and backup loading features added.
- Reverse question option added to the test.
- Sentence writing test added to lessons.
- Section skipping added to lessons.
- Up to 30 word notifications can now be added.
- You can now generate audio files from sentences.
- On some devices, the error of controlling the Audio player from outside the application has been fixed.
- The letter limit for adding words has been increased to 25.
- And many more things.
- Database backup and backup loading features added.
- Reverse question option added to the test.
- Sentence writing test added to lessons.
- Section skipping added to lessons.
- Up to 30 word notifications can now be added.
- You can now generate audio files from sentences.
- On some devices, the error of controlling the Audio player from outside the application has been fixed.
- The letter limit for adding words has been increased to 25.
- And many more things.
- Audio player was made available for everyone.
- Widget updated.
- Many innovations have been added.
- Some bugs have been fixed.
- Audio player added. (Allow notifications to control from outside the application.)
- Added settings for daily word notification.
- You can now export in "html" format.
- Added clearing translator history.
- Added setting for automatic keyboard language switching.
- Many innovations have been added.
- Some bugs have been fixed.
- You can export your favorites and word lists (in csv, txt and xml formats).
- Maximum number of word lists increased to 30.
- The letter limit for adding words has been increased to 21.
- Added notifications on/off setting.
- Settings page has been renewed.
- Performance and bug improvements have been made.
- And many more innovations have been added.
- Sentence speaking test has been added to lessons.
- Updated phrases.
- You can now add your own phrase.
- Added bookmarks.
- Performance improvements have been made.
- Some bugs fixed.
- And many more innovations added.
- Listening sentence building lesson have been added.
- Flashcard has been added.
- Improvements have been made.
- Updated the menu.
- Added Education section.
- Now you can manage your own word lists more easily.
- Database improvements have been made.
- Added translations to sample sentences.
- Visual and performance improvements have been made.
- Statistics added.
- Added alert sounds and vibration.
- Updated widget.
- Updated the menu.
- Added Education section.
- Now you can manage your own word lists more easily.
- Database improvements have been made.
- Added translations to sample sentences.
- Visual and performance improvements have been made.
- Statistics added.
- Added alert sounds and vibration.
- Updated widget.
- And many more improvements.
- You can make your own word list now.
- Added new features.
- Many improvements have been made.
- Install the latest version of "Google Text to Speech" engine to listen to Arabic texts.
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