关于Arabic Quotes
The application of an Arab rule containing popular and carefully selected Arab and Islamic rulings and rulings in all fields, rule and times, in an attractive and interesting way, to learn ethics, literature from the old and new examples and the rule of the Arabs to benefit from them in your daily life with governance and proverbs. English about love and life
Sayings and judgment
Ruling and thoughts
Every day wisdom
Fantastic rule
today's wisdom
Judgment and across
Words uttered throughout history
Beautiful sayings about life
Words of great philosophers
Universal sayings and judgment
The words you love
The sadness of my heart is not over
The sorrows of the lover
the sadness of my heart
words in place
Ruling on your benefit in your life
Ruling shaking hearts
Words of gold
My words are all meanings
Talk in friendship
Beautiful rule
Ruling varied
Arab scientists
Sayings of philosophers and greats
The finest rule shaking hearts
Ruling on translated English
hikam wa akwal
hikam bi sowar
hikam tahozo l9oloub
kalam yanfa3ok
hikam wa aqwal
hikam todhilo l3a9l
hikam wa a9wal
hikam wa amtal
hikam jamila
hikam wa a9wal
hikam wa amtal
la victoire de l'amour
hikam tahozo 9oloub
hikam tanfa3oka
hikam wa a9wal
hikam wa amtal
hikam fi sowar