Architectural Design
关于Architectural Design
The Architectural Design major seeks to integrate engineering and architecture in ways that blend innovative architectural design with cutting-edge engineering technologies.
Combining hands-on architectural design studios with a wide variety of courses, architect can choose from a broad mix of elective courses concerning energy conservation, sustainability, building systems, structures, along with design foundation and fine arts courses.
An Architectural Designer is an Architect who excuses themselves from the construction aspects of the building process, choosing instead to spend their time focusing on the actual design. This is a somewhat privileged position for an Architect to attain-most Architects prefer to design, but involve themselves in construction management because of business demands. So if you want to stay on the creative sides of architecture as an Architectural Designer, nurture your innovation, and make your time more valuable behind a pencil than on the build site. Architectural Designers sketch out all sorts of structures, from hospitals to restaurants to bridges. In fact the range is so broad, that typically you'll choose an area to specialize in. But no matter which area you choose, your process is always somewhat the same. You begin each job by researching the proposed project and interviewing the client. You need to be aware of the lot size for the building, budgetary restrictions, utility availability to the site, building codes and the customer's desires before beginning your design. Taking all of these components into consideration, you use hand drawings and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software to create structurally sound and visually enticing building that suits a client's needs. In most cases, given that you specialize in the design side of things, you'll hand off the project to someone else after these designs are created. Depending on the company you work for, you may work as part of a design team or as an individual to create blueprints from scratch. For this reason, you must work well with others, be detail-oriented, and love expressing creativity.
Designing and building a project is a challenge in itself. However, once the project is complete there are also challenges in expressing the project so that it can be understood by a new audience. This is especially true in digital media, where online readers don't necessarily spend the same time reading an article as in print media. Drawings and all new forms of visual representation – such as animated Gifs – play an important role in the project's understanding.
Regardless if they are digital or hand-drawn, all the architectural drawings we have selected this year have a sensitive expression, whether it be artistic, technical or conceptual, and they all aim to express and explain the project using simplicity, detail, textures, 3D and color as main tools.
In this application you will find:
architectural plans
modern architecture
architectural digest
architectural styles
architectural buildings
house architecture
building architecture
Architectural Design历史版本
Architectural Design 1.0