ASTHMAXcel ED终于来了!通过这个创新的应用程序改善您的哮喘病。
Welcome to ASTHMAXcel ED! This app has been shown to improve asthma knowledge and asthma control, which means being able to do the things you want to do without asthma getting in the way! A team of asthma doctors, app developers, and an animation studio made ASTHMAXcel ED.
ASTHMAXcel ED will teach you lots of important information about asthma through several chapters and fun, animated videos. Through your journey you’ll meet Tommy, who is learning how to control his asthma with the help of his Doctor and faces some of the triggers that make asthma worse. Together we will find out key asthma facts and – what’s really important – how to manage asthma. You will learn how your lungs can be affected by asthma, how & when to use different inhalers, how to use a spacer, and how to reduce the triggers in your home that cause asthma attacks.
ASTHMAXcel ED has fun activities, movies, medication reminders, and messages/tips about how to better control your asthma. This app will teach you about asthma in a fun way!
Visit our website to learn more about ASTHMAXcel ED – www.asthmaxcel.net
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