Astroball is as simple as simple can be. You control bouncing ball, and collect capsules from each level before proceeding to a level's exit.
You have to get to the top of a set of platforms.
The trouble is, you can only see a few on screen at any one time, so you're newer quite sure if you're bouncing merrily towards a hideous drop.
You're often leaping through space without quite being sure just where the platforms are - this game's guaranteed to get your pulse a-thumping.
Various power-ups can be collected, including extra time, temporary invulnerability, extra lives and extra power.
The game has 4 scenarios and 3 difficulty levels (Easy, Normal and Hard)
The gameplay is so addictive it's unhealthy. Astroball is an ace game. It's smart, maddening, playable, addictive and big.