BaseActivity#configureToolBar must handle and enable custom actionBar setup; else ShareActivity crashes
Update German and Russian string.xml files
Remove unused classes/files
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 aTalk (Jabber / XMPP) 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 aTalk (Jabber / XMPP) 所有旧版本。下载 aTalk (Jabber / XMPP) 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
BaseActivity#configureToolBar must handle and enable custom actionBar setup; else ShareActivity crashes
Update German and Russian string.xml files
Remove unused classes/files
Fix deprecated classes/methods: onBackPressed and AsyncTask
Fix show aTalk icon Exception when enabled
Add BaseActivity, BaseFragment, BaseDialogFragment and BasePreferenceFragment classes, and subclass OSGi unrelated classes to these instead; Remove unused OSGi classes
Remove all imageStreaming classes, aTalk does not support desktop sharing
Clean up app sources and rename some packages names
Change default thumbnail size to 128x96 with jpeg compress 80% quality; better visibility and converse bandwidth
Minimize unnecessary OmemoManager #contactSupportsOmemo check; may block omemo message encryption and cause ANR
Check for ConfigService availability, before proceed to handle any user setting changes
Back key during call will exit screen block if UI is not responding due to proximity sensor problem
Consolidate and move all si file transfer classes into smack directory
Add Jingle Content Thumbnails (XEP-0264) support in Jingle File Transfer (XEP-0234) protocol; Thumbnails is disabled for OMEMO Jet
Optimize aTalk SI File Transfer implementation for XEP-0264 support
Block and alert user if attempt to send encrypted file via XEP-0096: SI File Transfer
Scale thumbnail x2 for display in file transfer request UI
Must init JetManager upon user authenticated, ready for advertise JET feature in DiscoveryManager
Add new permissions required for API-34 and change UI to support
Add 'App Info' option for various android devices have own implementations
Skip process for duplicated presence sent from server
Fix send file status not being updated to DB
HTTP Download to proceed with auto-download only if the file size from server is known
Execute purge Corrupted OmemoKey in new Thread to avoid ANR
Upgrade smack libraries to 4.4.8
Migrate exoplayer:2.19.1 to media3-exoplayer:1.3.1
Removal of a contact shall purge all its associated history messages, call records and its session uuid
Update 'Recent conversations' to disable multi-item selection, and allow purge of orphan chat session
Add support to delete history messages based on session uuid with no associated contact or chat Room
History records deletion will return the actual deleted records count for display to user.
ChatPanel#mamQuery must use actual session uuid from DB
Fix duplicate display of the delayed messages in group and contact chat
Fix incoming delayed encrypted messages display out of timestamp order
Fix messages' receipt status are properly updated
Enhance XEP-0153/0084 Avatar implementations
Enhance userCapsNode to support multiple user accounts setup
Fix duplicate sending of the initial presence stanza by smack
Remove main menu 'Sign out' and 'Exit' options
Set Smack configuration 'Default Reply Timeout' to 10s to take care for slow network.
Fix init OmemoDevice No Response error
Fix OmemoManager Pubsub#event handler NoResponse error, end in endless loop and smack crashes
Set min SDK Version support to API-24
Remove new created volatile contacts on exit 'Show Block List', else deleted contacts reappear in contact List
Drop dependency and replace betterpickers with android DatePicker
Improve account preference birth date setting and call history deletion before user set date UI's
Rebuild for API-34 release fixing user login problem arise from Android Studio weird behaviour
Change chat session action options on user single and multiple items selection
Change auto return to contactList UI timer to 5 seconds after call has ended; allow user more time to view error messages
JingleFile send still having problem, AS throws AbstractMethodError exception unexpectedly.
Fix new user create and login, start aTalk activity.
Revert gradle-wrapper.properties#distributionUrl to use gradle-7.6-bin.zip; gradle-8.x does not generate the required smack jarjar files at all
Use implementation jarjar.repackage("filename.jar") to ensure destinationName is set correctly
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