Aura Color Meanings
关于Aura Color Meanings
Aura Colors and their meaning. Learning to see Auras is easy, understanding and interpreting what you see is a bit more complex. Learning what different colors of Human Aura mean is a first step in this understanding.
Every color in a person's aura has a basic meaning. A yellow aura typically indicates something positive. When a person has a yellow aura, there are several things this color represents. These aspects range from emotional, spiritual, and even your third chakra.
Learn all about auras, how to read auras, how to see your aura, aura colors and what each aura color means. All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura. They generate a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body.
- aura color meaning
- what color is your aura?
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