如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 AutoInput 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 AutoInput 所有旧版本。下载 AutoInput 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- 3.0.2(93)APK下载2023年04月05日4.8 MBAndroid 4.3+3.0.2版本更新
- 3.0.1(92)APK下载2023年04月05日4.8 MBAndroid 4.3+3.0.1版本更新
- AutoInput Actions v2 Release Video: https://youtu.be/2vPyXVrQRQg
- Comment/More: https://redd.it/127f5so
- New "AutoInput Actions v2" Tasker action: new built from the ground up action for UI automating. open apps, click, set text, and much more, all in one single action! For example, open the YouTube app directly on your subscriptions page and start casting super-fast, in one Tasker action!
- Updated target API to 33 - 3.0.0(91)APK下载2023年03月31日4.8 MBAndroid 4.3+3.0.0版本更新
- AutoInput Actions v2 Release Video: https://youtu.be/2vPyXVrQRQg
- Comment/More: https://redd.it/127f5so
- New "AutoInput Actions v2" Tasker action: new built from the ground up action for UI automating. open apps, click, set text, and much more, all in one single action! For example, open the YouTube app directly on your subscriptions page and start casting super-fast, in one Tasker action!
- Updated target API to 33 - 2.8.5-beta(89)APK下载2023年03月22日4.8 MBAndroid 4.3+2.8.5-beta版本更新
- 2.8.1(85)APK下载2019年10月14日4.7 MBAndroid 4.3+2.8.1版本更新
- Added option in main app to only enable Accessibility Service when needed. Every AutoInput action will enable and disable the service when ran if enabled. http://youtu.be/ba9a00UciGo
- Added option in AutoInput Action to repeat it for as many times as the user needs, with a given interval between each repeat. http://youtu.be/F0vksOef7X4
- Made Auto Dismiss Keyguard work reliably on Android 10 (reason for new permission) - 2.8(84)APK下载2019年10月08日4.7 MBAndroid 4.3+2.8版本更新
- Added option in main app to only enable Accessibility Service when needed. Every AutoInput action will enable and disable the service when ran if enabled. http://youtu.be/ba9a00UciGo
- Added option in AutoInput Action to repeat it for as many times as the user needs, with a given interval between each repeat. http://youtu.be/F0vksOef7X4
- Made Auto Dismiss Keyguard work reliably on Android 10 (reason for new permission) - 2.7.bf(74)APK下载2018年06月05日3.6 MBAndroid 4.3+2.7.bf版本更新
- Re-added the option to use the app for free by watching ads.
- 2.5.bf2(70)APK下载2017年11月30日3.2 MBAndroid 4.3+2.5.bf2版本更新
Release Post - https://goo.gl/mK9qJz
Comment - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Jo%C3%A3oDias/posts/6aRpfNrMVCc
- Standalone Feature: Auto Dismiss Keyguard: https://youtu.be/0k4fSricp5s
- Use the app for free! You can watch rewarded ads and use the full app without ever paying for it!
- Android 7+: the Unlock Screen AutoInput action in Tasker will work if you have Smart Lock enabled
- Keyguard Event Condition that triggers either when Smart Lock unlocks your home screen or AutoInput dismisses it. - 2.5.bf(68)APK下载2017年11月29日3.2 MBAndroid 4.3+2.5.bf版本更新
Release Post - https://goo.gl/mK9qJz
Comment - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Jo%C3%A3oDias/posts/6aRpfNrMVCc
- Standalone Feature: Auto Dismiss Keyguard: https://youtu.be/0k4fSricp5s
- Use the app for free! You can watch rewarded ads and use the full app without ever paying for it!
- Android 7+: the Unlock Screen AutoInput action in Tasker will work if you have Smart Lock enabled
- Keyguard Event Condition that triggers either when Smart Lock unlocks your home screen or AutoInput dismisses it. - 2.5(67)APK下载2017年11月29日3.2 MBAndroid 4.3+2.5版本更新
Release Post - https://goo.gl/mK9qJz
Comment - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Jo%C3%A3oDias/posts/6aRpfNrMVCc
- Standalone Feature: Auto Dismiss Keyguard: https://youtu.be/0k4fSricp5s
- Use the app for free! You can watch rewarded ads and use the full app without ever paying for it!
- Android 7+: the Unlock Screen AutoInput action in Tasker will work if you have Smart Lock enabled
- Keyguard Event Condition that triggers either when Smart Lock unlocks your home screen or AutoInput dismisses it.
Download APK on Android with Free Online APK Downloader - APKPure