关于Autumn Fireflies Sparks
The application Autumn Fireflies Sparks is a simple and beautiful solution. Download and install Autumn Fireflies Sparks, take the opportunity to make the screen of your device personalized and unique. Autumn Fireflies Sparks - сhoosing your favorite picture or watching a slideshow is great entertainment.
Autumn Fireflies Sparks - one of the best personalization theme. The Autumn Fireflies Sparks application is compatible with most mobile devices, does not require an Internet connection, has a simple and convenient settings menu, does not load the battery of the device.
Autumn Fireflies Sparks - Personalization and Entertainment. Introducing a pleasant and harmonious animated app Autumn Fireflies Sparks harmonious with quality graphics and animation. Augmented free version. The application Autumn Fireflies Sparks is not only the ability to set beautiful and stylish APP Personalization. on the screen, but also the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest applications of our team. The application contains the announcement of the best APP in the relevant topics from the developer.
Double touch the screen pops up the main settings menu. Disable direct access to the settings menu in the main menu.
The application includes a sound - the sound is turned to the subject when you touch the screen center. If desired, you can disable the sound module.
Interactive Application Autumn Fireflies Sparks include many diverse properties per (fireflies, butterflies, stars). Setting controls the amount of each animation object.
The application Autumn Fireflies Sparks contains an interactive effect of water droplets on the glass. Drops of water or dew flow down the phone's glass. When you touch your finger, the drops realistically fly apart.