关于AV Manager
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AV Manager will extracts and Uninstall APK are installed on your android device and copies them to your SD card.
★ Fast and easy to use.
★ Extracts almost all application,including system applications.
★ Cache cleaner and App Data cleaner
★ Provided Search option to search applications.
★ Compatible with latest version of Android 6.0
★ Saved apk format AppName_AppPackage_AppVersionName_AppVersionCode.apk.
★ You can set app in your Favorite.
★ custom app user interface.
★ You can share Installed app and System in Your friends circle.
-> Save installed app on your phone for future use.
-> Use this tool to keep a copy of all the app you got so the apps you want are always available for new device.
-> APK Extractor will extracts/share/backup APK of all application which is installed in your device and also show the list of all apk that were saved in your sd-card