关于Awesome 3D Kirigami Card Instructions
Heres A Application Dedicated To Awesome 3D Kirigami Card Instructions
Homemade cards represent the kind of thoughtful, meaningful and genuinely cherished gift all the money in the world cannot buy. So really – why head out to the store and buy a generic card made by someone else when we make it so easy for you to make stunning cards at home for next to nothing?
On this page, you’ll find a full 18 templates for incredible 3D Kirigami greetings cards. Similar to the Japanese art of Origami, Kirigami is all about cutting paper and card to create spectacular shapes, designs and patterns. It’s amazing what can be created with just a few simple cuts – anything from elegant flower designs to far more complicated animal shapes. What’s more, designs can be taken so much further with all manner of 3D layering options and even a whole bunch of amazing pop-up designs.
Take our word for it – try your hand with any of these amazing templates and you might never, ever buy a store-shelf card ever again!
Supplies You’ll Need
In order to get started, you’ll need to take your pick of the templates on offer and arm yourself with the following:
Different colored craft paper (of your choosing)
A sharp craft knife
A good pair of scissors
Craft glue
A pencil for marking cut lines (optional)
That’s really all there is to it – chances are you’ve already got some of this stuff lying around at home! So why not get the kids involved, grab the gear you need and find out just how amazing a DIY homemade Kirigami greetings card can be!