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backupBG is a free utility (no ads or IAPs) that backs up and restores saved games for the Android version of Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition (2012 - 2014 Beamdog. © 2012 - 2014 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
backupBG is simple to use: Run it, select what to back up (saves for all games/content, a specific game's saves, etc.), select whether you want to add a time stamp to the backup (which allows you to keep multiple backups but takes more space on your SD card) and then click Backup. It quickly copies the saved games to the folder "/sdcard/backups/baldur's gate/". Time stamped saves are kept separate from those without time stamps.
To restore saves, select what to restore, click Restore, select a dated or undatetd save, and click Restore again.
backupBG backs up the following content:
bpsave - Black Pits single player saved games
characters - Custom characters
mpsave - Baldur's Gate EE multiplayer saved games
mpbpsave - Black Pits multiplayer saved games
override - Mods
portraits - Custom portraits
save - Baldur's Gate EE single player saved games
sounds - Custom sounds
bbackupBG does not check for sufficient space. If it runs into an error it shows the error and that should give you an idea whether it has to do with lack of space on your SD card or some other issue.
Please let me know if you run into issues. I would appreciate an e-mail rather than a rash of one star reviews, as I'm committed to make backupBG work for everyone and all devices if possible.