关于Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Baptism of the Holy Spirit App, is designed for you to receive liberation from your mind, prepare you and give you supernatural power to see miracles and signs.
The armor of God is ready for every believer who wants to please the Lord, learn to know God in a unique way and your life will be transformed.
There are various degrees of evil oppressions. As we are dealing with spiritual phenomena often linked to psychological manifestations, the terms used to identify them may vary, and the line of separation between them is sometimes so thin that some cases could be placed in two or more of the classifications. However, biblical teaching and the experience of the church show us in general terms the following degrees of oppression by demonic spirits.
in this app you will learn everything or necessary for spiritual warfare in your life
you will be able to find different references of Christian and liberation books.
In this application you will find:
* steps for spiritual warfare
* What is a demonic influence?
* demon release
* God's armor
* God's faithfulness
* how to overcome depression
* how to overcome fear
* The meaning of dreams
* The Trinity
* the power of christ
* The anointing of the Holy Spirit
* The power of fasting
* iniquity