Direct access to DoreTIS if you have selected it as the initial screen.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 BaseTIS 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 BaseTIS 所有旧版本。下载 BaseTIS 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Direct access to DoreTIS if you have selected it as the initial screen.
Popups unification.
Update spinner management.
Maintenance screen.
Button badge under profile picture.
Fix minor bugs.
S'han afegit nous camps al perfil dels usuaris, canvi d'oficina i facilitador i s'ha arreglat la visualització dels gràfics de bonus.
- The functionality of imputing timesheets and sending them has been added.
- The use of firebase has been optimized to reduce calls.
- Push notifications have been added.
- Added to powerusers and managers a screen showing all the pending items to validate.
- Added a new card with the number of medals "Good work" pending delivery.
- New information has been added to bonuses and flexible pay within the employee profile.
- A screen has been created with the detail of a timesheet so you can see a calendar with the different projects you've worked every day.
- A screen has been created with the detail of a expense so you can see the different lines of that expense.
- It has been added a loader while each app screen is loading.
- The application has been prepared in order to block it remotely.
- Applied several improvements in the first load of the application.
- A screen has been created with the detail of a timesheet so you can see a calendar with the different projects you've worked every day.
- A screen has been created with the detail of a expense so you can see the different lines of that expense.
- It has been added a loader while each app screen is loading.
- The application has been prepared in order to block it remotely.
- Applied several improvements in the first load of the application.
- A screen has been created with the detail of a timesheet so you can see a calendar with the different projects you've worked every day.
- A screen has been created with the detail of a expense so you can see the different lines of that expense.
- It has been added a loader while each app screen is loading.
- The application has been prepared in order to block it remotely.
- Applied several improvements in the first load of the application.
- Added the option to consult the list of sheets of hours, absences and expenses.
- For power users and managers, it has been added the option to approve and/or reject sheets hours, absences and expenses.
- For all users it has been added the option to create requests for absences.
- Added the option to choose the screen which the application starts.
- Important changes have been done in the structure of the application in order to decrease the loading speed.
- The platform Parse has been replaced by Firebase as the cloud database service.
- A new screen has been added that let you filter people by placework, team or any type of hability.
- A new option "Settings" has been added in the lateral menu.
- A new functionality has been added that let you change de language of the application.
- The application has been prepared for sending push notifications messages.
- S'ha agilitzat la càrrega del perfil d'un treballador.
- S'ha millorat la rapidesa en la navegació entre usuaris mitjançant les fletxes. També s'ha afegit una animació.
- S'han tornat a afegir les fletxes de navegació entre usuaris a les pestanyes d'Equips i del "El meu equip".
- S'ha millorat el disseny de la barra de text enriquit.
- S'ha afegit una creu a la barra de cerca del directori de persones i corregit que al fer focus eliminava el contingut.
- S'ha afegit el nº de versió al feeback.
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