关于Beard Booth Studio
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Are you too young to grow a beard? Do you wish your man would grow one but continues to shave? Well, we have a solution and it’s called Beard Booth Studio.
Choose a picture or take a new one, put a beard on it, and share your handsome creation with the world!
Beard Booth your picture with an assortment of classic and contemporary beards, mustaches, and other facial embellishments made famous by some of the manliest men in recent history.
Give your Mom the Tom, stick your friends with a Heisenberg, or make the ladies swoon with a Jax or Snow.
Once you're finished, you can save your manly makeovers to your phone, email them, or share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #beardbooth
Awesome Features:
- Large selection of awesome beards and staches.
- Resizing & rotating for realistic (or unrealistic) look.
- Easy sharing on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
- Add-a-caption feature for Facebook posting.
- Sweet in-app purchases for more bearded pleasure.
Whether you’re a late bloomer or a woman who wants her man to look like one, everyone can now wear a face toupee proudly!
You'd look better with a beard. Come see for yourself!
Download Beard Booth Studio today! You can thank us later.
Already have an awesome hatch? Why not share Beard Booth Studio with your baby faced friends!