关于Urdu Proverbs - Zarbul Amsal - Good Sayings -Jokes
Urdu Proverbs - Zarbul Amsal - Pahelian - Jokes
In this app you will read real quotes and their explanation. It is all funny and very information book. It is best and knowledgeable for both young and children.
In this app we written down all the popular Proverbs are like a lamp to words and good sayings are like pearls. So make your language and behavior more
polished and atticated with collection of our good sayings.
In this app we have brought the most famous and interesting "Urdu Proverbs" with their meanings and explaination.
Urdu Proverbs are short sentences which are simple and concrete sayings, popularly known and repeated. Proverbs express a truth based on common sense or the
practical experience of humanity.
A proverb or saying is a short and clever expression. Proverbs usually contains result oriented concept, advice and expression of some obvious truth. These
sayings are called "proverbs". Proverbs are wise sayings in a language based on the practical experiences of different human kinds. Proverbs are mostly used
independently to explain a situation in very few words according to the circumstances and situation.
Urdu Proverbs is a collection of proverbs. A comprehensive collection of well known proverbs that would make you express in a way which will impress others.
These proverbs can be used in daily conversation, a book, a news report and other serious matters of life. I am sure the use of these special proverbs will
leave a strong influence of your knowledge on the readers or the listeners. This app is free, user friendly and also lets you read the meaning of a
particular proverb in Urdu.
Proverbs or Muhavare are tiny sentences which are used to point out some special meanings. Proverbs are superior from lengthy speaches and paragraphs. There
is a rich collection of proverbs we use in our daily life. Urdu language has a bulk amount of proverbs for students. In this app I will provide you the more
common and well known Urdu proverbs and their explaination. You can say that proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experiences of popular persons.
* It offers the most comprehensive collection of Urdu proverbs.
* Share favourite proverbs with your friends on Whatsapp or Facebook.
* Complete free and offline.
* Best collection of proverbs for students, lecturers, News auditors, debators and speakers.
* User Friendly and good GUI with HD Graphics.