关于Bicycle Speedometer
Simple & Easy Bicycle Speedometer
Main display contents
✓ Current speed, maximum speed, average speed, moving distance(mileage), etc.
✓ Neat screen composition that can grasp key data at a glance
✓ Provides a simple view mode that displays only the current speed
✓ Convenient screen movement through swipe gesture
✓ 3 types of trip: A, B, C
✓ Provides statistical information of Trip A, B, C
How to move the screen
✓ You can move between screens by swiping (sliding while touching).
✓ When swiping left or right, it cycles through the speedometer general mode, speedometer simple mode, and trip statistics screen.
✓ Swipe left : Speedometer general mode → Speedometer simple mode → Trip statistics → Speedometer general mode → ...
✓ Swipe right : Speedometer general mode → Trip statistics → Speedometer simple mode → Speedometer general mode → ...
Trip conversion
✓ When the trip name is touched on the main screen, data is displayed in the order of Trip A → B → C
✓ Trip reset: If you long touch the trip name, you can initialize that trip. (Trip reset button availvale in the statistics screen also.)
✓ Go to the settings screen by clicking setting icon on the main screen.
✓ Speed Unit : mph, km/h
✓ Speed Color : 12 colors
✓ Burn-in Prevention : Occasionally blinks some elements on the main screen
✓ Bell Sound : select bell and volume
✓ Burn-in Prevention feature does not guarantee that screen burn-in will never occur.
✓ Do not stare at the screen for a long time while riding.