关于Biker Mice from Mars VR
Firstly, a few friendly VR tips for would-be biker bros:
* In this VR game you lean left or right to control your motorbike, so your device needs to have an inbuilt gyroscope.
** This game is 3D Virtual Reality so best experienced in a VR viewer with awesome lenses or you can an make your own VR headset using the instructions at http://g.co/cardboard.
*** Download the free Google Cardboard VR app from the App Store before you play.
--- Was it your childhood dream to ride with the Biker Mice from Mars? ---
Grab your helmet (Google Cardboard or similar) and join the Biker Mice from Mars in a super-fun, all-action Virtual Reality experience!
** Play as Throttle, Modo or Vinnie as you dodge VR traffic and VR roadworks while battling Greaspit's goon crew. **
** 360 degree 3D Virtual Reality with lean controls for riding your motorcycle. **
** Magnetic button on headset or tap screen to blast goons with your lazer gun. **
Biker Mice from Mars VR Money Back Guarantee: Your 12 year old self would be super impressed with how cool you have become!!
This Virtual Reality game is free to download with no in-app purchases.
Made by real fans, not a giant corporation.
Transmission fluid change
Piston check