关于Bingo Near Me
查找当地的宾果游戏在您附近 - 寻找局部地方玩宾果游戏
Search for local places to play Bingo.
- Search using your GPS or your zipcode and find local Bingo games.
- Get the name of the Bingo hall, their phone number, physical address, and put a contact for them in your phone book.
- Find new places to play Bingo near you.
Description of permissions this app uses and why it is requested:
Location permission is requested to be able to determine where you are using your GPS to find the closest Bingo games. Location is only checked when you explicitly authorize it.
Contacts permission is requested to be able to add a contact for Bingo games. A Contact is only created when you explicitly authorize creating a contact.
Calendar permission is requested but is not currently used. We intend to add the ability to add a reminder for the Bingo game to your calendar in a future release.
Find Accounts is only used for the Contacts and Calendar permissions above.
If you run a Bingo game and want to be included for free please email us at [email protected].