关于Blogging super pro tips or techniques
This is simple or straight forward app, in this app you will find tip and information
for becoming successful in blogging.
Tips and Techniques
1. Do keyword research , easy or simplest way to do is to use google keyword planner. It will tell you how much competition is on particular keyword with monthly average search count.
2. Select or use keyword of high monthly average search count with low competition because it will help you to rank your blogging website in google search.
3. Select or choose one particular niche (topic or area of interest) in which you are good ( good in knowledge). You must have enough knowledge about your niche to deliver content effectively.
4. Your blogging must be specific to one niche. not multiple niches. The newbies do these mistakes frequently. So doing this mistake can cause difficulties in ranking your blog website.
5. Make your point or article simple and straight forward, so reader easily understand it with good experience.
6. Do backlinking for your every articles in your website to get more traffic.
7. Do SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) for your blog by adding your targeted keywords in title, description, tags and url of article. This will help google to recognize your content and rank it in right domain or niche
Disadvantages of blogging
1. The process of growing business in blogging is slow. You need to be patient to start earning from it.
2. The competition in blogging field is high, you need to be smart to achieve success in blogging.
3. For beginner, it is very difficult because they don't know the SEO tricks and how to get traffic to their website.
That it, Best of luck . Thank you