关于Boat Photo Editor
Make your life style luxurious with this branded Ship Photo Editor application with this app you can make your photo stylish with Ship editing and text editing app.
🌺 Camera - Click your image to edit your image into Ship editor.
🌺 Gallery - Select your image through gallery to make your photo into drive on luxurious Ship.
🌺 Crop - you have two types of crop image way
1) Cut images using free crop: with simple finger drawing you can cut the image easily and save it with right click
2) Erase background of your image : with this all function you can cut your image with eraser easily like # Increase Eraser size
# Decrees Eraser size
# Set brush size with Offset & Smooth
# Undo,rude and reset image
3) Magic :With magic brush you will set scale percentage and make magic with your image
4) Repair : You have choice to repair your brush size with scale
🌺 Background - You can also set backgroung with four way like
1) App personal gallery : Choice one of the best bg from app given gallery bg
2) Color : You can also set only color bg with this option
3) From phone gallery : You can also set your personal bg with your phone gallery
4) Camera : click image with camera and set your bg esily
🌺 Stickers - Set one of the best stickers into your image and make it more attractive
🌺 Overlay - Apply one of the best overlay in image.
🌺 Effect - With effects applying your image convert more attractive
🌺 Text - Write your own name with text editing tools like
1) Increase your font size
2) Decrease Your font size
3) Color
4) Font style
🌺 Flip your image - You have also choice to edit image with flip horizontally and vertically.
🌺 Next - With click on next button save your image in app personal gallery "My Creation"
🌺 Share - Share your image with your friends.
With this Ship Photo Editor application you can put your best impression into your friends with luxurious Ship.