关于Brakers Belleville Pilot
Moments save lives, B.R.A.K.E.R.S. (brakers) lets you know from inside your car.
Broadcasting to Radios Ahead Keeps Emergency Responders Safe
(This is the pilot phase for this app in Belleville, Ontario, any feedback should be directed to [email protected])
This app does several things;
1. It lets you know when emergency vehicles are approaching
2. It lets you know if you are approaching an emergency
3. It lets you know when there are things that will impact your drive
4. Gives you a chance to win $20,000.00 cash
In my humble opinion, the most important thing this app will do is
We intend to use this app to prevent accidents involving Motorists and any traffic anomaly such as;
1. Emergency Vehicles (including volunteer fire fighters)
2. Construction crews
3. Public workers
4. Tow trucks
5. Utility workers
6. Slow moving vehicles (tractors or over sized loads)
7. Train crossings
8. Traffic accidents (yes people become involved because of other accidents)
We have learned that it is not always the fault of every driver who doesn't yield quickly enough, often times things happen where they become surprised at the last second and in these situations the worst happens people panic and come to a complete stop.
With the Brakers app you will either be informed from your smartphone speaker (like a ringtone) or your cars speakers via Bluetooth. This depends on how your car maker has designed the Bluetooth of your car.
Either way you get the message from inside your car with plenty of notice and information to make a safe and responsible decision allowing the responder to move through traffic with ease and you home more safely.
Here is how you could win $20,000.00 When you download the free app you can click on the about tab at the top. It has a randomized 6 digit code already assigned when it was downloaded. Follow my website, Facebook or Twitter accounts and you will be able to find me throughout the city during the pilot and if your number opens the safe that I will have with me, YOU WIN THE CASH!
The legal stuff regarding the prize;
It really is $20,000.00 in cold hard cash, but you are required to enter the info into a log, before you enter the number into the safe, if the safe opens we verify the log with the winning combo and this is considered the official entry number. So make sure the number you entered is the number from your app and all is good.
Thank you for downloading the app, please email me with any questions you might have or feedback on how it is working for you.