关于Bright Site - A classroom app
This app helps to connect between teachers and students who wish to teach and learn their desired subjects privately but unable to do so physically due to covid-19 restrictions and have limited internet connection access to do video conferencing in their countries. Both teachers and students must sign up using their personal email or phone number to create an account. In order to start teaching, the teacher must create a classroom first then invite the students to the classroom using auto generated ID from the app and class-code which is created by themselves during creating new classroom. The class-code must be difference for each classroom. For students, they can simply join the classroom and start their learning journey using ID and class-code provided by the specific teacher.
3 teaching methods - Teachers can choose between lectures, tutorials and discussions to deliver their lessons.
* In Lecture method, teachers can upload lessons either with videos or audios with photo and allow students to download or just view in the app.
* In tutorial method, the teachers can upload workshop exercises using photos and can be able to check student's submissions of completed workshop exercises. With this method, the students can upload their completed workshop exercises using photos.
* In discussion method, both the teachers and students can simply start a new conversation topic regarding lectures and tutorials and acted as Q&A session. Both teachers and students can discuss via message or voice.
Permission notice:
*Camera: Camera access is needed for capturing and uploading photos of hand writing notes and lessons to the classroom.
*Storage: Storage access is needed for uploading existing videos, audios and photos of lessons to the classroom.
*audio: Record audio access is needed for sending voice messages.