关于Bubboe Tour
Enjoy your trip, live, twice.
Bubboe Tour enhances your travel experience with real time travel updates and information about the activities planned on your trip.
Everyone has once experienced being out of touch with the activities you participate in wether on a company tour or travel agency tour. Bubboe Tour reminds you which activity you are in, what the next one is and provide you complementary information about the full itinerary.
After a long day touring around, you can revisit what you did and discuss with your travel companions how interesting today is. It is perfect for trips, museums, destinations, or any places worthy of a good story.
Bubboe Tour for Travel Agency and Tour Guide
Bubboe Tour is the most cost effective way to elevate the tourist experience for small to midsize museums or visitor centers. Without the traditional investments, logistics, and hassle of electronic tour guide equipment, unlimited visitors can use Bubboe Tour on their smartphones to get the full story about all the exhibits.
- Members can now save photos displayed on the NewsFeed activity/Activity Details and Photo preview screens.
- URL in messages received/sent are now clickable
- Minor cosmetic UI improvements on the Calendar Itinerary
- Bug fix blank news feed when device is offline.