关于Buddha Quotes
Incredible collection of quotes from the great Buddha (meaning ‘awakened’ or ‘enlightented one’). The teachings of Buddha are the foundation of Buddhism and are a great lesson for anyone seeking enlightenment and wisdom.
- Large number of quotes
- Share via Facebook, Twitter, SMS, email and all your social apps
- Great search feature, search by quotes and authors
- Swipe to quickly view quotes
- Add your own quotes (i.e., add new quotes to the application)
- Widgets allow you to display a new quote every day on your homescreen
- Set how often quotes are displayed on widgets (e.g., hourly, daily, etc.)
- Personalize - Fully control the look of your application. Choose from lots of background images, fonts, font colors, size and appearance, and even control transparency
- Save your favorite quotes for later viewing
- Filter by author, category, favorites and user generated quotes
- Backup and Restore your quotes
- Read quotes into application from external sources
- Choose order of quotes - alphabetical or random
- Copy Quote and paste into all your applications
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