关于Buku IQRO' Jilid 1 - 6 Lengkap
Learning with the IQRA' method is equipped with audio to read the Koran
Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah, finally we have successfully completed the Complete Iqro application Volumes 1-6 Offline. Are you unable to recite Iqro yet? If so, you are starting to be introduced to the Hijaiyyah Letters and how to read them correctly. Then continue learning Iqro. Learning to recite from an early age is very important.
One of the memories that will always be remembered is learning the Koran through the book package Iqro Volume 1 to Iqro Volume 6. So, starting from that we made the Iqro Digital Offline application starting from Volume 1 to Volume 6. We pack all volumes in 1 interesting application that is equipped with Juz 'Amma Complete, Daily Prayers and Memorization of Short Hadiths.
Complete Iqra book, from Iqro 1 to Iqro 6. Methods for learning Iqro easily and quickly.
Learning Iqro can make it easier for users to learn to read the Qur'an, especially users who are just learning to read and learning to recite the Koran, so this application is accompanied by attractive pictures and colors for all people. Can be used by adults who just want to learn to read the Koran.
This Iqro Learning Application is made in a simple, clean, and attractive way. So that it can increase interest in learning and help make it easier for users who want to learn the Koran and learn to read the Koran.
The Iqro book is widely used by all people who want to be able to recite the Koran, Iqro is a method of how to quickly learn to read the Koran. Iqro is divided into 6 volumes, the higher the volume of Iqro, the more difficult the level of difficulty. Iqro' Complete Volumes 1-6 Offline is an application that can be used to make it easier for users to learn to read the Koran, especially users who are just learning to read and learning the Koran.
The Complete Iqro' Application Volumes 1-6 Offline is made in a simple, clean and attractive way. So that it can increase interest in learning and help make it easier for users who want to learn the Koran and learn to read the Koran. The Complete Iqro Application Volumes 1-6 Offline can be downloaded for FREE.