关于Burning The Candle Free LWP
燃烧的红烛 - 具有3D视觉效果免费壁纸。
Burning The Candle - free wallpaper with 3D visual effects.
Set this wallpaper with burning the candle as background on your home screen.
Burning The Candle - with most realistic animated wallpaper with water, raindrops and waves effect.
To create such amazing photo-realistic water drops effect we've use latest technologies and the best optimized 3d engines.
This FREE App provides Wallpaper For Your Home Screen
+ Amazing smooth 3D animation
+ Realistic water effect (water drops and waves)
+ Pixel-perfect wallpapers with resolution 1920x1080 and above (QHD, 4K and UHD)
+ Regular updates of High Quality Backgrounds
+ Optimized for Less Data Consumption
+ Compatible with 99% mobile phone devices
+ Fully supports horizontal orientation and looks great on both mobile phones and tablet devices and supports screen switching
+ Wallpaper will sleep when your phone is inactive and will not drain battery
+ Setting up of wallpaper on lock screen
+ Share wallpaper in a single click
All the images are under Creative Commons CC0 License