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The Application LDFP C7 - Acquisition of Data I - Planted Forests enables:
a) Registration of Exotic Species Forest (Planted)
b) Sign of Forestry Projects Surveys applied to:
- Inventory of Planted Forests
- Calculation of hypsometric relation
- Cubing individual trees
c) Registration of sample plots georeferenced projects related to forest survey recorded with location information, area and shape
d) Registration of elements dendrometric (DBH and height) of existing trees in the plots with the georeferencing of tree locations.
The data of registered projects, plots and trees measured data are recorded in a database SQLite (Floresta_7.db3), located on the SD card in the device campeiro / db, which can be read and interpreted by the System Precision Forestry in CR Campeiro7, or other compatible BD managers.
In next update these elements will be exported in CSV format file