This update introduces a new setting in the Caffeinate Tile preferences to set the maximum time before the Caffeinate Tile changes into "Infinity Mode".
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Caffeinate 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Caffeinate 所有旧版本。下载 Caffeinate 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
This update introduces a new setting in the Caffeinate Tile preferences to set the maximum time before the Caffeinate Tile changes into "Infinity Mode".
This release fixes an issue where Caffeinate would attempt to check for notification permissions on devices where this was not required, and inadvertently blocked certain functions. Sorry about that!
This update starts the new year with the following bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue that caused Caffeinate to not start correctly on Oreo and higher.
- Caught a rare case where duplicate notifications would be posted.
- Improved detecting if DND permissions were granted, while trying to use the Sound Profile tile.
Thanks to all who emailed in to report any sort of issues you encounter, it really does help me tackle these issues! I hope your holidays went well, and that you have a happy New Years!
Happy New Years!
This release contains updated localizations, a fix for a fatal crash with the sound profile tile, and the option to skip straight to infinite mode and bypass the usual timer. To activate this, head to settings after the update completes!
Added Brazilian Portuguese localization
- Retired Firebase Crash Reporting, and implemented Crashlytics.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause contributors on the credits screen to render off screen, and couldn't be seen.
Updated Notification Channel attributes for Oreo and higher. An Android bug (Bug Tracker ID: 65108694) caused Caffeinate to play notification sounds. This workaround should now prevent Caffeinate from erroneously sending notification sounds / vibrations. Notification LED and Launcher Badge icon has also been disabled for Caffeination notifications.
Due to this change, Caffeinate will no longer display an expanded notification by default, and will appear collapsed.
- Caffeinate's notification and tile will now display an "infinity" symbol whenever Caffeinate is running in infinite mode.
- Caffeinate's notification now also displays the time remaining, as well as an option to switch between timed/infinite mode.
- Added Portuguese, Russian, and Italian translations.
- Implemented a credits screen for translation contributors. (Thanks again! If you'd like a different name displayed/redacted, reach out to me!)
- Added Polish translation (special thanks to Michał Wróblewski for providing these!)
- Updated Android target to Android Pie
- Updated application dependencies
- Fixed an issue that caused Caffeinate to generate a crashing when adding the Caffeine Tile
- Fixed the Sound Profile Tile, and gave it the ability to request permission to bypass DND mode.
From previous notes:
NEW: Caffeinate now allows you to keep your display on for an infinite amount of time! Tap the Caffeinate tile until you've passed an hour. The time remaining will display "∞" to confirm. Tap again to disable.
- Squashed a bug that caused users to not be able to extend caffeinate past five minutes. To do this, I had to reset the preference option for the newly introduced timer increment preference. Sorry about that!
From previous notes:
NEW: Caffeinate now allows you to keep your display on for an infinite amount of time! Tap the Caffeinate tile until you've passed an hour. The time remaining will display "∞" to confirm. Tap again to disable.
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