关于Call From Santa Claus ! Voicemail & Text Messages
Download Video Call From Santa Claus ! Voicemail & Text Messages and secretly find out what your kids want for this Christmas with or without having to ask them directly.
For sure you have asked yourself how many times have you wished you can have Video calls from and to Santa Claus 2018 , to your kids for Christmas ? and be in the his nice or naughty wishlist.
The Forged call from Santa’s an entertaining App that’s been made for fooling about with pals where it would appear to them that you are getting a call from Santa Xmas . Make a fool of your pals using this amusing app.
Can't wait for Christmas to come ? Make a Video Call with Santa Claus New Year 2018 to pass the time. You and your family will love this app.
* Features :
- Hear the names of Santa's reindeers
- Children can write an SMS message for Santa with their Christmas wish list
- A Call From Santa Claus2018
- Simple to use. Best free Santa video call, nothing to buy now and nothing to buy in app
- Sms to SantaClaus Xmas
- Surprise your little ones with a call from Santa Claus. Who wouldn't
- A great free festive Christmas app for parents and children, you can have fun and encourage good behaviour at the same time!
- Make unlimited free calls, no limits, no costs
- This is the best free Naughty or Nice Photo Scanner Santa available because you control the results (secretly)! and it has a talking Elf too!
- Want to chat with the guy from north pole Mr Santa Claus himself
- Choose the date/time of the call!
- Countdown to Christmas: hear how many days are left until Christmas
- Leave a message for Santa
- Simply use it for this wonderful Christmas season and others too come
- Answer incoming video calls from Santa and have a video chat with him
- Select time interval to get call - normally a few minutes and up to a few hours
- Santa can mention your child’s name, age and interests* during the call
- Receive unlimited calls for free
- Santa tracker: find out what Santa is doing right now
- Check the weather forecast for the North Pole
Call Santa New Year 2018
Live Santa Claus Video Call
Message From Santa™ - phone call, voicemail & text
Beard Salon for Santa Claus
Video Call Santa Claus
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Call & Chat with Real Santa
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Personalized Santa calls for YOUR child!
Real voice of Santa Claus
Listen to Santa Claus's reindeer
* Disclaimer:
- App for fun and entertainment purposes only. Calls and text messages are simulated. App does not provide actual calling or texting functionality. It will not connect with the real Santa Claus ..
- By downloading the mobile app, you are giving permission to all of the Terms, Conditions & Privacy Policy!
*ATTENTION ! This is not a real calling and only an imitation! The app does not bear any harm and is only for fun!