This app contains a picture of calligraphy example
Calligraphy comes from greek, ie kallos which means beautiful and graphein which means writing. So that we can call the calligraphy as beautiful writing.
In Arabic calligraphy is usually called "khat" which means a line or a pen stroke that forms handwriting. And also called "fann al-khath" in the art sense meperbaiki graffiti or refine the writing.
The Arabic Calligraphy comes from Egyptian calligraphy (Kan'an semith or Tursina). Then it splits into Feniqi (Funisia), which breaks into Arami and Musnad with branches (Aramaic): Nabati in Hirah or Huron and Satranjili-Syria in Iraq; And (Musnad): Safawi, Samudi, Lihyani (north of Arabia) and Humeiri.
In this application we present 100 beautiful calligraphy pictures for you, which you can make an example in making your own calligraphy at home.
Hope can be useful.