呼唤 - 做有目的的调用
CalliN - Make a call with purpose
Use this application to make a call with purpose. CalliN provides services to users to make a call with purpose and the purpose message will display when callee (recipient) phone is ringing with caller's incoming call (with purpose). This makes it easy for user to decide which calls should be picked and shouldn't.
Features -
* Make a call with purpose message.
* Select phone numbers from contacts.
* Do a normal call without purpose message.
* Many more...
Please put your comments, suggestion, bug report, error etc on Google Play or email us, We will try and provide best support for that.
Enjoy our Patent Pending CalliN Technology and stay tuned with future updates with new features.
Note -
1. All data provided to CalliN app is highly confidential and will not be shared with anyone (including 3rd party).
2. Please refer our Google Play screen shots to use application.
3. CalliN requires minimum Android 5.1 version.
4. App will send 1 SMS at the time of registration.
2. Minor UI change and performance improvement