关于Canadian Football Playbook
Create and store your Football plays.
Saved Plays can be watched back, edited or shared with your players and other coaches. Plays can even be exported to mp4 to share with non android users.
Also functionality to draw up plays in game.
Access Options menu to set default player start positions, long-click player to change number.
Options menu also gives acces to change player colours, toggle vibrate or number labels and to change logo.
To create a new play first choose if you want offence, defence or both. Next move Players to start position then click next, from then on simply drag players through the motion you want them to take. Use next and back buttons to move through motions and slider on right to change speed of a motion.
Click option button to add multiple variations.
Press play button at any time to watch back your play.
Save plays to device with a click then share them with others to edit on their devices or export to video to view on any device.