关于Cardio Spirograph F
Application Cardio-Spirograph with built-in mobile device accelerometer detects vibrations of the human body, due to the work of the heart and respiration. Analyzes intervals of heart rate, respiratory phases and allows you to define:
- heart rate,
- Interval RR.
The application calculates the following indicators of breathing:
- respiratory rate,
- deep breathing,
- regular breathing,
- ratio phases of inhalation and exhalation
- presence of respiratory pauses.
Поддержка русского языка.
The results may be erroneous.
The app uses an accelerometer sensor for heartbeat and breathing.
The reliability of the results of the study depends on many factors:
• the specifications of the phone (accelerometer sensitivity, CPU power),
• the site of the sensor (the abdomen at the abdominal type of breathing, more common in men or chest thoracic type of breathing, often women).
the thickness of the fat layer, the nature of breathing, etc.
This App does Not replace medical examination.