关于CarpeCam - Perfect Camera for Viral Videos
Never do hundred of takes to record the perfect video again. You can decide to record the scene only when you're sure it's worth keeping.
For example, if you want to catch on camera the unexpected behavior of your pet, fail of your friends or those epic moments that happen in nature, CarpeCam comes handy. Even if you weren't recording, it's not too late. Just press the record button and the recording will start at least 2 seconds before you pressed it.
You no longer need to record video continuously in order to get specific unpredicted scene in your video. Using CarpeCam, you just set the number of seconds you want your phone to “remember” before you press the record button, then when you see something you want to capture - press the button. You’ll be awarded with the high quality video which include the desired moment.
• Automatically saves videos in Gallery
• Optimised video file size
• No limit recording video length
• Automatically disposes unused video chunks
You can do more with CarpeCam Premium, which includes :
• No Ads
• More control for recording preferences (up to 12 seconds before button pressed)
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