New art, new music, new new meow meow meow
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 猫-天使:一排三个 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 猫-天使:一排三个 所有旧版本。下载 猫-天使:一排三个 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
New art, new music, new new meow meow meow
New art, new music, new new meow meow meow
After one more adventure around the world, the cat squad thought about the repair and updated the interface - now it became more convenient and pleasant to complete daily tasks and match combinations!
Also, for a comfortable game with kittens, bugs were fixed - feed the clawed gluttons without being distracted by trifles!
While you were reading, several cats were hungry in London ...
Go ahead - feed them all!
After one more adventure around the world, the cat squad thought about the repair and updated the interface - now it became more convenient and pleasant to complete daily tasks and match combinations!
Also, for a comfortable game with kittens, bugs were fixed - feed the clawed gluttons without being distracted by trifles!
While you were reading, several cats were hungry in London ...
Go ahead - feed them all!
Good day Cat Angels!
It's time for the next game update. The main change has affected the goldfish. To make it easier for you to make calculations, we multiplied all by one hundred. Now for the victory for 3 stars - you get a hundred goldfish, for the task "Caress 20 cats" - one hundred fish and one booster.
Also we are creating a new city, but about this another time! Good luck, Cat Angels.
And thank you for your work!
Cat's Angels Hello. Thank you for feeding cats!
- In this update we have updated the levels 27, 42 and 91.
- Repaired level 165.
- Slightly changed the visual elements of the game.
Good game, Cat Angels!
Dear Cat's Angels, a list of the latest changes:
- Improved graphics of some elements
- The complexity of a number of levels has been reworked, too simple now is a bit more complicated, and too complicated - it's easier)
Have a good game
Dear players, there are big changes in the world of Cat Angels:
- Game chips are completely changed;
- Several very complex levels have been fixed and now they are simpler (74, 80 and 86);
- Added new visual effects.
We wish you a good game, Cat Angels!
In the "Clawed Paw" army comes more and more cat's angels, cheers! So cats and kittens eat every day nourishing!
Cats-engineers corrected several errors on the levels.
The council from the general staff of the cat's angels changed some levels to play them became more fun!
Beautiful and delightful ladies, from the whole team of developers, we congratulate you on a Woman's Day! We wish you Love and Good Weather in the House!
In the "Clawed Paw" army comes more and more cat's angels, cheers! So cats and kittens eat every day nourishing!
Cats-engineers corrected several errors on the levels.
The council from the general staff of the cat's angels changed some levels to play them became more fun!
Beautiful and delightful ladies, from the whole team of developers, we congratulate you on a Woman's Day! We wish you Love and Good Weather in the House!
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