Cat 216B系列3型滑移装载机的AR评估应用
This is an Augmented Reality evaluation application for Caterpillar 216B Series 3 Skid Steer Loader Machine in ‘Real Size’ using ARCore supported smart phones or tablets.
Currently, this is an application with password protection & please contact [email protected] to receive the login details to initiate the application to visualize the CAT(R) 216B3 machine.
This is an Augmented Reality application to showcase the Caterpillar 216 Series B3 Skid Steer Loader Machine model in ‘Real Size’.
Before starting the application, you need to “Submit” few relevant Customer Information details.
Find a horizontal plane in which the machine is going to be deployed & scan the surface with your smartphone or Tablet. The machine can be placed by tapping the screen once a horizontal surface is detected by scanning the surface. The on-screen menu could be utilized to navigate the machine to understand the functionalities.
The actions Rotation Clockwise, Rotation Anti-Clockwise, Lift Arm Rise, Lift Arm Down, Bucket Open, Bucket Close etc. can be understood using the On Screen Menu.
Other generic options provided are
a) Scale Option ( 1x, 0.5x, 0.25x)
b) Rescan to place the machine again, without quitting the application
c) Screenshot capability to take & share the Real Environment pictures with this Virtual AR Machine model.
The “Measure” button is to simulate the obstructions in the horizontal plane & vertical plane & to check whether there will be collision when the real machine is placed.
Demo App Video Link