If after the cue ball strikes a legal ball and neither the cue ball nor any other ball hits a rail or is pocketed, it is a ball in hand foul 8 ball pool hack unlimited coins and cash. A Touching object ball to the rail does not meet this requirement by virtue of it not “hitting” a rail 8 ball pool cheats. NOTE: Players are encouraged to mutually acknowledge when the object ball is touching to the rail 8 ball pool hack. Causing any ball to come to rest off the pool table is a foul and any such ball(s) are pocketed 8 ball pool hack cash and coins. This includes any accidental movement of a ball which results in a ball falling into a pocket 8 ball pool cheats unlimited coins hack. The ball accidentally pocketed is not brought back into play, and the incoming player has cue ball in hand 8 ball pool hack tool. If a player knocks a ball off the table and the ball returns to the playing surface after hitting a person or an object 8 ball pool tool, it is a foul (the ball remains on surface) 8 ball pool game free coin and cheats. If no object or person was contacted, then normal rules of play apply once the ball returns to the playing surface 8 ball pool cheats and hacks for free.