关于Check if your phone is Original
This application Checks device IMEIs, check your mobile is originale
This application Checks device IMEIs by read device info or scan bar code or write IMEI
Do you buy phones? Do you know their status before you buy them?
With check if your mobile is originale App you can!
With a few simple clicks you can find out all you need to know about a phone and make an informed choice.
What does this App tell you?
Below is a sample of the information provided by the IMEI checker
Locked or unlocked
IMEI Number
Serial number
Warranty status
Purchase date
Who Sold by
Initial Carrier
the cloud status (If not reported stolen)
Why should you bother to find out these credentials?
Ensuring that the phone your buying is checked for the important credentials is essential. It saves you time and money.
If you buy phones regularly then it can make the difference between success and failure in your phone reseller business.
Whether a phone can be used on any carrier is probably the most important check you can do. If the phone is locked to one carrier then your chances of using
reselling that phone are limited as the same carrier needs to be used. This limits you, or your client if your a reseller, to only airtime plans with that specific carrier,
which may not be the most cost effective.
Having a handset that is unlocked and can be used by any carrier is by far the best option.
In addition, when it comes to roaming, it can make a huge difference in cost, and is one of the key things potential purchasers often look for.
What handsets can you check by check if your mobile is originale?
Simple to use, with scan or keyboard input of IMEI number provides fast and accurate results, meaning you know exactly what you need to know about the handset your looking to buy!
Be safe and check the credentials of a phone with the check if your mobile is originale.