关于Chicken Dinner Master
Chicken Dinner Master Ranking application is based on the most popular multiplayer video game named “Player Unknown Battleground (PUBG)”. There is more than 5 million people play this video game. The main target to play this game is to win and get a prize. The prize name is “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner”. The player who gets most Chicken Dinner becomes the ranked player.
When a player gets a winning prize most of the player takes a screenshot of that prize and can upload in this application to show the world how many Chicken Dinner he/she got and the match statistics.
Key benefits of using the app-
1-Gives you Ranking On the basis of your purformance.
2-User Can Make their with their profile pic to get More attention.
3-User can add their facebook And Youtube Accounts If they are looking for Genuine traffic on their Youtube videos or facebook Pages.
3-When someone you on top and clicks on your profile it allows user to visite their Facebook or Youtube Channel directly.
Its very easy to Promote your channel here all you need to maintain you rank and see people will start Subscribing You.
Other Features
-Top Player List / All Player List
-Auto Player Ranking
-Multiple Player Badge
-Chicken dinner Counting
-Password change
-Profile Edit Option
-Social Profile adding feature
-Player Chicken Dinner Gallery
-Google Play Rating button