关于Christian Social Networks
Christian Social Networks is a friendly faith based social network community designed to bring people together,make new friends and create new relationships.it's place to encourage and uplift each other in the spirit (1 Thes 5:11,"Therefore encourage one another and build each other uo...")
Everyone is welcome.Create a profile,add photos and videos and connect with friends.Join a social group that interests you, or create your own and invite others.Discuss topics that matter to you in the forum.Post reviews and comment,update your status,and chat with friends.
We feature Christian videos and exclusive articles covering all ares of life ,as well as sections and topics related to the Christian Faith.We request users post with kindness,understanding and respect for each others opinions and beliefs.
(Christian Social Networks is the social media apps for way2jesus.com)
***Important:-Please contact us regarding problems with the app before you make a negative assessment.We take your feedback seriously and want to improve our app together with you.Give us a chance! contact us : [email protected]