关于Circular UI Zooper Theme
您可以随时随地在自己的各种设备上畅享数百万最新的 Android 应用、游戏、音乐、电影、电视节目、图书、杂志等精彩内容。
***Circular UI Theme for Zooper Widget Pro.***
This is not a stand alone app, you required Zooper Widget Pro to use it.
This is prepared on Nexus 5 and tested on Nexus 5 .
IT Contains 7 skins for Home Screens.
It contains Three Beautiful Clock.
You can navigate direct to any screen from home screen.
This theme works perfectly on Nova Launcher Prime and should work with some other launchers as well.
How To Install
1. You require Nova or Apex or any This type any Launcher to install it.
2. You also need Media Utilities widget.
3. You need Today Calander widget from here
4. Set Home Screen Grid size 10X8, with margin set as none and hide Notification Bar.
5. Tap to screen and select Zooper Widget Pro to any size and resize it according to widget size.
6. You can navigate from home screen to any screen, Just go to home screen
Tap on Music ----> go to module on tap ----->go to shortcut----->select nova launcher/or other----->go to jump screen no. ------> select corresponding screen.
7. Set other screen accordingly.
you can use swipe up gesture setting for opening app drawer.