关于City College Norwich
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This is a great time to come and study at City College Norwich. With our student success rates reaching their highest ever levels and with now five different National Skills Academies (Financial Services, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Retail and Creative and Cultural), its no wonder one third of all 16 to 18 year olds in Norfolk attends the College. Whatever you are interested in we are sure we will have the right programme for you. From academic subjects to job-specific courses, we have the widest choice in the whole of Norfolk.
And the Higher Education (HE) courses we offer here at City College Norwich are designed to take you to where you want to be – where you could be. We constantly review and improve every HE course we offer, and we know that because we have one of the widest ranges of courses in the East of England, we will have something that is right for you.
Use this app to browse and enquire about courses provided by the college; call or email the college directly; locate college sites on an interactive map; read the latest college news and more.
1. The First Release of the android app for City College Norwich.
2. Includes
3. College Prospectus
4. Maps - with directions!
5. Enquiries
6. Contact Details
7. News
8. Whats On
9. e-Safety
10. CCN Charter