Conclean - ; - 从清除你的android手机的所有垃圾
-;- Have you ever experienced a sudden slow up of your cal-log or contacts app?
-;- Does your smartphone feel different after a few months of using regular apps?
-;-have you ever felt you need a better contact app because your current is starting to lag-(slow down in performance)
--- if you are one of these, your problem is not a virus, and it is not because of space problems, or lack of memory. it is because of your device's database is hogged up by unnecessary files or temporary data. Every app in the
world/ Every device in the world needs Conclean, your 3rd party apps looks super fast with conclean and fast without it, your device feels super fast with Conclean and fast without it - if you have Conclean, then your smartphone experience is fun and transitions in a super sonic speed.
--- ConClean is a Contact junk clean up, it cleans your android phone of all the contact junk in your android system plus other junks created by other apps. Conclean specifically cleans only contact junk and hence its speciality in that is beyound the general cleaning process of other apps. Conlcean removes thoroughly all temporary deleted contacts from your phone
-;- Removes or deletes all temp sender id's that 3rd party apps created on your phone
-;- It re-organises your contact in your android system
-;- It loves to be on your android phone, because it loves you.
-;- It is light weight & memory efficient.
-;- Leaves your phone with a performance boost on your android system, and makes your cal Log apps look super fast and brilliantly made.
-;- It is a ONE-TIME clean up process no routine flow install-clean up your device- life is good-uninstall -better than never
-;- It installs on the external memory