关于Contact Retriever
Once the app has been installed, that’s it. In order to retrieve a contact, all you need is to send a code via SMS from another remote phone. Once a retrieval code has been received, SMS Contact Retrieve App automatically sends back the requested contact number to the remote phone from which the SMS has been received.
Best for situations when you unexpectedly leave your phone behind and need to call someone from within your contacts urgently. OR if someone else needs to get a number from you, he/she can retrieve it without having the need to call you. Once can also modify the retrieval code for the sake of privacy, just to prevent someone else from illegally retrieving a contact number.
You can also turn off this app's functionality at any time you want without having the need to uninstall the app. Just open the app and set the switch to Off instead of On. However, its strongly recommended you keep it on at all times, because you never know when you might need to use this app.
• Simple User Experience
• Easy Learning Curve
• Ability to turn on or turn off app feature without having the need to uninstall the app.